Suffolk Short Mat Bowls

Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Protection Policy

Suffolk short mat bowls recognize that it has fundmental duty of care towards children and

vulnerable adults and acknowledges is resonsibilities to keep them safe while engaged in suffolk

short mat bowls activities.

Suffolk short mat bowls is committed to the wefare of children and vulnerable adults and oppose 

formsof abusei.e.discrimination,exploitation,and manipulation of children.

The guidlines as outlined in this policy,aim to protect both children and vulnerable adults from

abuse,and also suffolk short mat bowls,volunteers and staff members from false accusation

of inappropriate behaviour or abuse.

Responsibility recognizing that child and vulnerable adult protection is our responsibility,

whether or not our individual roles involve working directly with chidren and youth.

Accountability actively holding ourselves accountable maintain these protection standards.

Behaviour acting as role models of child-friendlybehaviours and practices.

This includes appropriate language and dress code.

Equality treating all children and vulnerable adults equally wiyh respect and fairness

regardless of age,culture,caste,nationality,creed,ethnicity,health ststus,physical and

psychologicalability,family sitution,sex,lanuage,racial origin,social-economic status,

religious belief and / or sexual orientation.

Participation ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are supported to practice

theirright to express views on all matters,which affect them and thier surrondings.

Thier views will beadequately taken into consideration.

Practices prohibiting offensive or abusive language (including teasind and taunting ),

and the use of gestures or symbols that could be interpreted as insulting or provocative.

Confidentiaity keeping details of the victims of abuse in reported cases of abuse confidental.


partner agencies,children and families to promote the wefare,health and development of children,

and to protct them from harm.

Respondto and report actual or suspected concerns,susicions of violations regarding any kind of

abuse or exploitation.

Keep a written record of any injury that occurs,along with the details of any treatment given.

Ensre that all lessons and activities are safe and risks have been assessed in advance.

Always work in an open nvironment and avoid being alone with one child.

Ensure any private conservation with a child is in plain view of others.

Where possible ,obtain written parental or guardian consent if the need arises to administer

emergency first aid and / or other medical treatment.

No photgraphy or videography of children or vulnerable adults is permitted at any time.

review body - suffolk committee.

Review period - annually each may.